Content of the monthly report
Within the maintenance contract, you will receive a summary report on the previous month’s events on the first day of each month. The report basically contains the following data.
Visit statistics
In this section you will find the main information of the visit statistics of the past period.
The graph shows the daily visits.
Period: usually the previous month
Number of visitors: how many unique visitors the page had
Number of page loads: the number of all page loads (a visitor can return several times or visit several pages)
These data only give a general picture, for detailed and accurate data it is always advisable to view the Google Analytics data directly.
Here you can see how many backup copies have been created in the past period. You can see which parts were saved and when:
- database: the database belonging to the page
- plugins: add-ons
- themes: templates (e.g. Divi)
- uploads: uploaded materials (e.g. images, attachments)
- others: data required for operation
Security checks
Here you can see the number and date of security checks carried out in the past period, as well as their results.
- No problems: the check found that everything is fine.
- Problems detected: the check found some problems. Most of these problems are due to the fact that some element of the page was not updated at the time of the check, even though a newer version was already available. Most updates are implemented immediately, however, some items may have compatibility issues, so the update is preceded by a technical check, which causes the majority of warnings.
If there is a problem during a security check, I will be notified immediately and I will fix the problem as soon as possible.
We check your page every 5 minutes to make sure it is available. A website can become unavailable for many reasons, such as updates or tests, or system errors. If the site is unavailable, I will be notified immediately so that I can investigate and resolve the potential issue.
- General availability: availability ratio from the time the page was launched
- Last 30 days: Availability rate for the last 30 days
Website technical performance
The technical performance of the website is determined by various factors: the quality of the hosting server, the technical components used on the website and their coordinated settings. Because desktop devices and mobile devices work differently and display pages differently, we perform checks in both environments. The individual elements mean the same thing, they just apply to different device types.
- Last check date: when the check was last run. Basically, a recheck is done once a week.
- General performance indicator: We use Google analytics tools to analyze the speed of the website and check whether the loaded elements are displayed correctly for the users.
- Accessibility compatibility: We also use Google to evaluate how “good” your website is for users with special needs. As part of this, we run various tests that check the “accessibility” of your website based on the relevant guidelines and standards.
- General website security: Google also analyzes your website from a security point of view. In this audit, it evaluates, for example, where you use encryption technologies, whether the JavaScript libraries you use are secure, or whether, for example, older APIs are used.
- General SEO compliance: Here, Google performs various tests and analyzes how well search engines can “process and interpret” your website. It checks and tests whether your website is mobile-friendly and whether elements and metadata are optimized. Basically, it doesn’t evaluate the SEO content itself.
Here you can see how many WordPress updates, plugin updates and template updates have been made in the past period. These updates keep your website fresh and secure.
The website’s content management framework. It is updated relatively infrequently, but keeping it up to date is critical to website performance and security. A backup is usually made before updating the framework, because if a critical error occurs during the update, the entire website may become unavailable. For some providers, I do these updates directly on the host, so this section is sometimes left blank in the monthly reports. However, I can assure you that your website always uses the latest stable version.
Plugins are responsible for extending the basic functionality and we can do many useful things with them. When we update them, it’s important that they don’t cause compatibility issues for the system as a whole, and that individual systems continue to work well together.
Themes define the overall management and design interface of the WordPress framework. This includes the editing interface.